My vision or dream for humanity is to become the masters of the universes or multiverses in next two to three millenniums. Presently, humans are the masters of our planet so to say. With faster confluence of multiple technologies powered by quantum computing, artificial intelligence, gene editing etc, towards the end of this century we may be evolved as a Type-1 Civilization or Planetary Civilization on the Kardashev Scale. We might no longer require fossil fuels but harness the full energy falling on the earth from our sun and become a fully digitalized civilization. Presently we are estimated to be at 0.73% on Kardashev Scale of Type-1 Civilization.

By middle of this millennium (AD 2500s) humanity would have made substantial progress towards the Type-2 Civilization or Stellar Civilization that have full control over the solar system; and produce anti-matter at industrial scale to store energy; and utilize it for inter-stellar travels. Towards the end of this millennium, asteroid mining, building Dyson Sphere and star lifting may be possible. In the following millennium, humanity would take full control of Milky Way galaxy and evolve as Type-3 Civilization or Galactic Civilization with control over 100s of billions of stars and able to move them along with their planets; harness the energy of quasars and control super massive blackholes. We will also be able to control space-time and leverage warm-holes for instant space travels. By AD 4000 to 5000, humanity may be able to move entire galaxies from one universe to another (if multiverses exist 🙂).


Control over climate and natural disasters. When we are at Type-1 Civilization, we would have conquered all diseases and would have full control over the climate – able to make rain; prevent earthquakes, cyclones, and tsunamis etc. By end of this century, we could colonize moon and mars; and master permanent stay in space.

Evolved technological societies. By middle of this century, the population growth will reverse to reach a sustainable limit of 5 billion people in next 80-100 years. Powerful digital platforms and faster communication systems will evolve to educate every human being on the planet to make them fully literate and conversant with new technologies; and support direct democracy in most countries. Political parties and governments will wither away to the technological dominance and transparent governance. I guess the political boarders of the countries will also wither away in the next century to have few technological societies that have evolved with biological and artificial beings!.


Death of languages. By 2050 or even earlier we will be able to communicate with anyone in any language and the mobile phones/digital assistants help with instant translations to any language.

Communication with animals and plants. In the coming decades we will be able to understand the languages of many animals and birds and get information on what their sensory systems can detect about the happenings around us which we fail to understand with our five senses. By end of this century or early next century, we will be able to communicate with most animals and plants on earth.

For the above vision or dream, education and knowledge dissemination play the crucial role. With access to quality education being made a fundamental right for everyone, I envision a society that promotes lifelong learning, fosters critical thinking, and equips individuals with the skills needed to navigate a rapidly changing world to achieve the goals mentioned above. Also, the technological advancements are harnessed ethically and responsibly, serving as a catalyst for positive changes.


I envision a world where sustainable practices are the norm, with individuals and businesses adopting eco-friendly lifestyles and embracing circular economy principles. We prioritize energy efficiency, responsible consumption, and waste reduction, ensuring that our actions minimize harm to the environment. Lastly, my vision for humanity is rooted in peace, compassion, and cooperation. I dream of a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, where cooperation among nations thrives, and where global challenges are tackled collectively. Through my actions and engagement with others, I am committed to making this vision a reality. I strive to be a catalyst for positive changes, inspiring others to join me in building a future that honors the inherent worth and potential of every living organisms around us, while nurturing the dream of humanity becoming the masters of the universes!